
OPTUS MULTI LINE PRICE REDUCTION – Cheap line rental, untimed national calls. We have recently negotiated an massive price reduction in our Optus Multi Line ISDN service rentals and call costs. For new installations including ports of existing Optus Multi Line On Net services and Telstra ISDN 10 services, Telaustralia is now offering On Net […]

ISDN 10 PHONE LINES Following on from our recent post about the difference in SHDSL networks, we thought we would also provide some detail on the differences between Telstra ISDN10 and Optus Multi Line. Coverage The winner here is Telstra. Telstra has ISDN 10 availability at around 1800 exchanges Nationally while Optus has Multi Line […]

BUSINESS DSL Because we sell 3 different Business DSL networks we regularly get asked what’s the difference? Well there is quite a bit of difference in price, speed, coverage and quality between the Australian SHDSL networks and here we explain what the differences are and why they matter. One thing that is equal is that […]

Our Unlimited SMS on our $50 Business Fleet Plan has been extended to 31 March 2013. This means any customer signing up or renewing their $50 plan will get bonus unlimited SMS for the life of their 24 month agreement.

We are happy to announce we will have No Contract Telstra 3G SIM only plans to be released in January. The plans will feature no Contracts and we will have $30, $50 and $80 Business Mobile Plans. Its BYO handset with no contract. Our  Telstra 3G mobile plans use “parts of Telstra’s 3G network and capabilities”.  […]

TOP 10 USES FOR BUSINESS MOBILE PHONES – AFTER PHONE CALLS MANY OF TODAYS BUSINESS MOBILE PHONES HAVE A RANGE OF VERY HANDY USES OVER & ABOVE VOICE CALLS. If your using your business mobile for make phone calls and to take the odd photo you are not using it to its full advantage. There […]

Plenty of people have heard of SIP Trunking but not many people know what it is. Here’s our 5 minute guide to what is SIP Trunking. A SIP trunk is a Voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) connection between the customer and the SIP Provider. A SIP trunk allows the customer make calls to and from […]

A really great review here from GSM arena with a punch on between the 2 smart phone heavy weights of the day. For those customers that want us to make the decision for them … read the review!

We regularly discuss with our business customers their Internet requirements. Most people have heard of ADSL internet and understand how and why a business may need it. But SHDSL is another story altogether and although more expensive, SHDSL also delivers capabilities that ADSL cannot. Primarily SHDSL will deliver performance enhancement for any application that requires […]

We hear this question a lot. Many Small Business are moving their local Web and Mail Servers to Cloud Computing providers to save on hardware and support costs and deliver better functionality. With increased use of remote access and Hosted Exchange Email, Hosted CRM and Accounting packages it makes great financial sense for business to […]