
NBN PHONE SYSTEM – SIMPLE USER VIDEOS AND PRICE ESTIMATOR See how simple it is to use our Cisco NBN Phone Systems. It cant be easier to use our fully feature NBN Phone systems. Check the brief Video Guides here from Cisco before you consider buying. Its so simple to use our NBN PBX. A […]

SHDSL 20/20 $479 AND 10/10 $419 PROMO PRICING EXTENDED. Our great value SHDSL Internet promotion has been extended now until Friday 26th September 2014 so get your orders in before then to take advantage of this incredible offer. These SHDSL plans give you unlimited data over a dedicated 1:1 connection with no contention. Both of […]

NBN FIXED WIRELESS PLANS AND HOW THEY WILL CHANGE TELECOMS FOR SMALL BUSINESS IN SMALL TOWNS There are many small towns now coming into reach of the NBN Fixed Wireless Network. In fact geographically Fixed Wireless is the fastest expanding component of the NBN roll out. Many of these Small towns had no ADSL access […]

NBN ROLL OUT ACCELERATING We read the recent NBN rollout table with interest over the week. You can see the roll out progress at this link… There has been a big increase in Wireless NBN areas now active and work continues in Brownfield sites. In particular Victoria seems to be getting a reasonable chunk […]

WHAT INTERNET DO YOU NEED TO MOVE TO CLOUD SOFTWARE? There is 1 Question you must ask any Cloud Software provider. Read on to find out what that question is! We are seeing a lot of inquiries along these lines…. Caller: Hi We run a Real Estate Agency and we have moved to Cloud Based […]

TELSTRA DOT PHONE SYSTEMS – TOP 5 THINGS WE DON’T LIKE! Telstra DOT Phone Systems are expensive. We know that Telstra place them selves as the premium brand and premium network. But when the technology they are selling is widely available, why go with the more expensive option when there are more effective alternatives? 1. […]

As far as we know Carlton will be the first fairly large business area with an announced Copper Cut off date. This gives business owners with a Phone System in Carlton, Carlton North and the remaining parts of Brunswick just over 12 months to act. Any business with a Phone System running Telstra Phone lines […]

AMAZING ISDN 2 PRICES – GREAT VALUE ISDN 2 PROMOTION We are very pleased to announce exceptional value ISDN 2 Promo prices including what may be Australia’s cheapest ISDN 2 Fixed to Mobile pricing. ISDN 2 services are perfect if you have a small to medium office and need digital functionality on your Phone System […]

SHDSL 20/20 $479 AND 10/10 $419 PROMO PRICING EXTENDED. Our great value SHDSL Internet promotion has been extended now until 29 July 2014. These SHDSL plans give you unlimited data over a dedicated 1:1 connection with no contention. Both of these plans come with free connection on 24mth agreement.

CARLTON & BRUNSWICK NBN PROBABLE COPPER CUT OFF OCT 2015 As far as we know Carlton will be the first fairly large business area with an announced Copper Cut off date. This gives business owners with a Phone System in Carlton, Carlton North and the remaining parts of Brunswick just over 12 months to act. […]